How many generations of fathers and grandfathers can you name? In Kyrgyzstan every child learns and memorize the seven generation back of father sand grandfathers.
Lucky for James, in 2001 the Yee Association put together a genealogy book that goes back 42 generations.Through these books, James and James' Dad were able to find the 7 fathers for Danny.
Drum roll ..... Here they are:
Birth Year/ Chinese Characters/ PinYin Pronunciation/ Cantonese Pronunciation
1770 道章 Dao Zhang (dough jeung)
1805 三中 San Zhong (saum zhong)
18..? 梓和 Zi He (gee wor)
18... ? 泳 礼 Yong Li (Wing Lie)
1900 永 发 Yong Fa (wing fot)
1933 卓槐 Cheuk Wai
1958 金熊 Jin Xiong (Gum hung)
1996 震 龍 Zhen lung
Danny's 7th father was born in 1770 and was the 35th generation.